Monday, March 28, 2011

Oh look. A tree.

Aware of the time of day wasnt great, I have no other excuse other than I waitied till last minute and needed to do it, and during the day was my best option. So here ya go. Didn't really like how this turned out, because, in my opinion, I won't be dropping any jaws with my stick drawings. Ever. But it was interesting. There's something ironic about drawing trees with sticks. Kinda like drawing people with phillanges. I smell a new project.

Monday, January 24, 2011

The little things, I guess

So I started my homework a couple of days ago, and finished one of the two drawing...and at first I HATED it. I mean, the first drawing, if that;s what we're gonna call it, sucked. The second one, maybe not as much, but it's still in the suckage territory.

Well, I kept wiping my face while doing it, and upon completion, I looked in the mirror and it wasnt pretty.

So I made it pretty.
The little things that make you smile.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

MCA and Cafes

I came to MCA to study art and grow as an artist. Art has always been the only thing I enjoyed in school. I had attended MCA's summer academy twice and it was the most fun I had had in a while.
My current major is sculpture, but I have been thinking of changing it to drawing after last semester's drawing class. I hope to teach art one day, specifically younger kids, but I also have a completely non-related dream of opening a pastrey shop/cafe.