Tuesday, January 18, 2011

MCA and Cafes

I came to MCA to study art and grow as an artist. Art has always been the only thing I enjoyed in school. I had attended MCA's summer academy twice and it was the most fun I had had in a while.
My current major is sculpture, but I have been thinking of changing it to drawing after last semester's drawing class. I hope to teach art one day, specifically younger kids, but I also have a completely non-related dream of opening a pastrey shop/cafe.

1 comment:

  1. Nice to meet you, Jesse. When I got to the line, "I also have a completely non-related dream of opening a pastry shop/cafe," I sniggered. That one took me completely off guard. It is a wonderful idea--I'm not knocking it--but it was a quirky way to end the post. I liked it!
