Monday, January 24, 2011

The little things, I guess

So I started my homework a couple of days ago, and finished one of the two drawing...and at first I HATED it. I mean, the first drawing, if that;s what we're gonna call it, sucked. The second one, maybe not as much, but it's still in the suckage territory.

Well, I kept wiping my face while doing it, and upon completion, I looked in the mirror and it wasnt pretty.

So I made it pretty.
The little things that make you smile.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

MCA and Cafes

I came to MCA to study art and grow as an artist. Art has always been the only thing I enjoyed in school. I had attended MCA's summer academy twice and it was the most fun I had had in a while.
My current major is sculpture, but I have been thinking of changing it to drawing after last semester's drawing class. I hope to teach art one day, specifically younger kids, but I also have a completely non-related dream of opening a pastrey shop/cafe.